Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 19 February 2007

Welcome to Monday.

Graphics added by pro.

Thomas C.--check in

I'm checking in, even though it's 7:17 p.m.  I took care of my daughter and her friend today, and got exactly two papers graded. I need to get a bunch more papers done, because I need to get the rest of them done tomorrow.

And I don't want to time-binge. I've been looking at my behavior, and I would say I do a lot of time bingeing. I generally try to create large chunks of time to get work done, and don't break them up. But in fact, if I had graded four papers a day, the papers would be done now, and I wouldn't have this backlog. I never called it time-bingeing, but I'm beginning to think it is.

Anyway, I plan to do the dishes, then start grading. In fact, maybe I'll break them up with each other: put clean dishes away, grade a paper; put dishes in dishwasher, grade a paper; do the other dishes, grade a paper.

I'm sort of flopping around on this, so I'm just trying different things. Thanks for listening.

Im Changing CI 9:50 PM

Got side-tracked today by emotional family email which I spent three or fours on dealing with.  Maybe should have done at another time, but was weighing on my mind. Important I work on

ImChanging CI 12:15 AM - Follow-up at 9:30

Structure, which I rebel against, is important.  I'm changing to accept that structure can be a very positive thing in my life.  I am truly grateful to be here.

(x) Treat myself well today--I deserve it.
() Buy flowers for myself today. (forgot!)
(x) Write in Gratitude Journal
(x) Eat breakfast
(x) Eat lunch
(x) Eat dinner
(x) Write down three feelings I want to attract into my life today: calm, self-respect, peace.

(x)  Eat lunch
(x)  Brush teeth
(x)  Check email in a.m. Deal with urgent.  Call if needed.
(x)  Make appointment with accoutant re: taxes. (left message)
()  Balance checkbook - transfer in money if needed. (tomorrow am)
()  Get cash for doing laundry later this week. (bank was closed, do tomorrow)
(x)  Call Client S.
()    Bill Client S (tomorrow am)
(x)  Get gas
(x)  Take cat to vet
()  Work on friend's letter of recommendation. (this week)

()  Take friend to pet store. (different friend took care of)
(x)  Check email in p.m. Deal with urgent.  Call if needed.
(x)  Check credit card offer/intention to transfer balances
()  Wash dishes/Wipe down counters (oops, tomorrow)
()  30 minutes cleaning up office/dining room table. (didn't get to)

Before bed:
(x)  Watch motivational DVD.
(x)  Work on my vision board at same time.
(x)  Take care of feet
(x)  Oral care.
(x)  Remeber need to get up early to take friend to vet.

scarlett CI 3:45 pm EST

Already done:
Wash dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Resched dr.'s appts
Go to plan rm
Dl photos
Label photos
Eat lunch
Type up comments 1
Work order
Enter comments
Reg for reception
Email office re: dr's appts this week

To do:
Type up/ email comments
Talk to J re: conf reg
Sched haircut

scarlett CI 12:30 pm EST

Already done:
Wash dishes
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Resched dr.'s appt
Go to plan rm
Dl photos

To do:
Label photos
Type up/enter comments
Type up/ email comments
Talk to J re: conf reg
Email office re: dr's appts this week
Oil change for tomorrow?

Monica's picture

Monica's CI 12:20 pm

I'm wiped out from the weekend. I'm only committing to one thing at a time today. If I do that one thing I will add another one thing. I feel a little guilty about it though because my daughter still has a guest in the house. My thinking is that if I was a good hostess, I would have been up early to make sure the house was clean for her and had breakfast ready when she woke. At this very minute I should be in the kitchen fixing a nice lunch. But as it stands I haven't gotten out of bed and I need to at least take a shower. So while I may feel guilty, the guilt feelings definitely aren't powerful enough to be motivating.

[] Shower

If I can't do it perfectly, I'll do it anyway. If I can't do it all, I'll do some. If I do nothing, nothing gets done.

"I don't feel like it" is a poor sacrifice for your dreams.

ImChanging CI 12:15 AM

Structure, which I rebel against, is important.  I'm changing to accept that structure can be a very positive thing in my life.  I am truly grateful to be here.

() Treat myself well today--I deserve it.
() Buy flowers for myself today.
() Write in Gratitude Journal.
(x) Eat breakfast
(x) Eat lunch
() Eat dinner
() Write down three feelings I want to attract into my life today: calm, self-respect, peace.

(x)  Eat lunch
()  Brush teeth
()  Check email in a.m. Deal with urgent.  Call if needed.
()  Make appointment with accoutant re: taxes.
()  Balance checkbook - transfer in money if needed.
()  Get cash for doing laundry later this week.
()  Call Client S.
()  Bill Client S
()  Get gas
()  Take cat to vet
()  Work on friend's letter of recommendation.

()  Take friend to pet store.
()  Check email in p.m. Deal with urgent.  Call if needed.
()  Check credit card offer/intention to transfer balances
()  Wash dishes/Wipe down counters
()  30 minutes cleaning up office/dining room table.

Before bed:
()  Watch motivational DVD.
()  Work on my vision board at same time.
()  Take care of feet
()  Oral care.
()  Remeber need to get up early to take friend to vet.

My 9:15 am CI

Hello folks. Yesterday was busy but good. I'm doing okay with work, but household duties are still getting put off somewhat.
morning things
heat shop
work on project A (long term one)
work on project B (short term), and get as much as possible done
take half an hour for housework, even if it's a minute at a time
run errands

Rexroth 08.46 GMT

Todo today

up prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
bath and wash hair
put washing on
do more work on landlord files
go out to voluntary work
visit church
voluntary work and music
home and take it easy
prayer and meditation
bed and sleep

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 21.54 GMT

Didn't do any work on landlord files and did not have time for shopping as spent nearly 30 minutes in the library. Have felt very tired which is result of not going to sleep until after midnight last night.

And so to bed, well farly soon anyway.

Night Rexroth